- Paula method is a personal development tool that reinforces a person’s self image and self confidence, and creates a unique bond with one’s body and an authentic connection for emotional expression, vitality and creativity.
- Preventive treatment – preserving the proper functionality of the various systems and strengthening the body.
- Changing movement patterns and incorrect habits.
- Refining skills – suitable for vocal development, playing musical instruments, dancing and acting.
Treatment of medical conditions and problems:
- Respiratory system – breathing problems such as: asthma, bronchitis, stridor.
- Orthopedic problems – posture problems, back aches, scoliosis, kyphosis, neck and nape aches, knee aches, join pain, arthritis.
- Digestive system – constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, hemorrhoids, fissure, fistula, incontinence, prolapsed rectum, heartburn.
- Urinary tract – incontinence, frequency and urgency of urination, irritable bladder, bed-wetting, prolapsed bladder, prostate.
- Reproductive system – reinforcing the pelvic floor, prolapse of the uterus, prolapse of the vagina, menstrual pain, menstrual regularity, vaginismus, sexual functioning problems.
- Pregnancy and childbirth – accompanying pregnancy, preparation for childbirth, functioning during childbirth, after childbirth.
- Rehabilitation – after accidents and surgery, paralysis, stroke, facial paralysis.
- Degenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson.
- Headaches and migraines.
- Vocal chord problems – hoarseness, chord calluses.
- Tension, concentration difficulties, sleeping problems, phobias and post traumatic disorders.
- Children – bed-wetting, concentration difficulties, various developmental problems, cerebral palsy.
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